Our Marche Services Area

About Marche

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In the Marche region the passing of the seasons and the rhythm of the works in the countryside still mark the days as it used to. Tradition and history are strongly rooted factors in this place, which is also known as the “hidden diamond of central Italy”. Le Marche does not clamour or scream to show off its beauty. This region prefers to whisper slowly, almost timidly, just long enough to make itself known better. Among the peculiarities of this region we certainly find hospitality and warmth, two important characteristics that do not stop at the threshold, but are part of the DNA of its inhabitants as a distinctive and unique feature. In this short trip we will talk about the 10 good reasons to live in the Marche – in fact – we will whisper them.

Living in Marche

In Le Marche you can live well and this is a fact: relaxation, healthy food, clean air. But above all, acceptable cost of living. We are not in a big center where everything has a high cost and, especially if compared to quality, everything costs very little. If you love the small shops in medieval towns where you can buy specialties that you will not find online or in large cities, here there are many, that you will immediately love.

Things to do in Marche

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As a hub of high quality Italian footwear, the Marche is home to the most famous brands in the industry, such as TOD’s, Prada, Nero Giardini, and of course the related outlets and dedicated shopping centers where you will find these and many other luxury brands. In this regard, Casette d’Ete hosts one of the most famous Marchigiano Luxury Outlets, where you will find many offers for very interesting prices.

The sea in the Marche is not just a source of food with its waters rich in fish, but also a source of tourism, thanks to its clear waters, services and high-quality holidays. In 2018, 16 locations have been awarded with the Blue Flag, a recognition that testifies the cleanliness and unspoilt nature, as well as the culture of hospitality in the Marche region. Among the most sought after destinations, the beaches of the marvelous Riviera del Conero.

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